
09:30 ~ 18:00

Sales organization development


Elevate your business’s sales performance with our specialized Sales Operation System Support and Sales Organization Development service, designed to enhance your sales strategy and offer the following benefits:

1. Sales Organization Understanding
Provide a comprehensive, data-driven approach to evaluating, optimizing, and strategically enhancing sales performance and sales improvement within your organization.

2. Improved Sales Performance
Empower your sales teams with effective tools and methodologies. Our system support and organization development elevate sales performance, resulting in increased conversions and revenue.

3. Strategic Resource Allocation
Achieve a balanced and strategic allocation of resources with our service, which assists in identifying areas for improvement. This facilitates precise resource allocation to maximize the impact on sales outcomes and supports sales organization development.

4. Enhanced Scalability
Ensure your sales operations are scalable with your business growth. Our development strategies are crafted to accommodate expansion, maintaining efficiency and effectiveness as your business evolves.

Barriers to success

sales organization development
1. Resistance to Change

Novel systems and processes may encounter internal resistance. Effective change management strategies are essential to overcome reluctance and cultivate acceptance.

2. Data Integration Challenges

Integrating diverse data sources can be complex. Overcoming data silos and ensuring seamless integration across the organization are key challenges for successful sales operations.

3. Lack of Training and Adoption Measures

Success in implementation hinges on user adoption. Insufficient training and support may lead to underutilization of the system, hindering the development of a high-performance sales organization.

4. Technological Compatibility

Ensuring compatibility with existing technologies is critical. Overcoming compatibility issues and ensuring a cohesive tech stack are vital for the success of sales operation system support.

Key success factors

1. Experiential Training Programs

Invest in thorough training programs for all users. Equip your teams with the knowledge and skills needed to fully leverage the sales operation system and embrace organizational development.

2. Collaborative Change Management

Embrace change collaboratively. Implement effective change management strategies that engage all stakeholders, fostering a culture that embraces new systems and processes.

3. Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

Regularly monitor and optimize system performance. Establish a feedback loop to identify areas for improvement, ensuring the sales operation system and organizational development evolve in alignment with business goals.

4. Data Security and Compliance

Prioritize data security and compliance. Implement robust measures to protect sensitive information, ensuring that your sales operation system aligns with industry regulations and standards.

Case: Transformation from “Product Sales” to “Solution Sales”


Major medical supply with over 50% share of the market


The client experienced a crisis as their market share was being eroded by competing companies’ sales offensives.

Main result

      The implementation of a new sales approach, coupled with Sales Organization Development, led to a significant revenue boost, with sales growing by 10% within the first year. In addition, the company successfully fended off competition from rival firms.
       The company launched a “sales organization transformation” project with LiB Consulting, aiming to embody its vision of “contributing to healthcare management” by shifting its sales approach from a “customer site × visit volume” approach to a “decision-making layer × quality of proposals” approach. This approach was developed and piloted in collaboration with a selected group of sales staff, yielding significant performance improvements and increased attention within the company.


✧ As a leading medical equipment manufacturer commanding over 50% market share, our success was attributed to frequent customer outreach. However, with the imminent threat of market share loss from competitors, we sought consultation from LiB to elevate our sales performance.

✧ LiB’s approach began with a transformative shift in customer relationship management, steering away from the previous emphasis on frequent customer engagement. This change was prompted by the growing competition, which offered customers more choices. They actively engaged in fieldwork alongside our sales representatives, offering assistance and ensuring that the salesforce comprehended the true principles of selling.

✧ LiB initiated the process by engaging in conversations, highlighting the importance of changing mindsets to the management. Subsequently, they conducted market studies and analyzed suitable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each customer interaction. Furthermore, LiB conducted workshops to ensure our sales team understood the psychology of selling, with follow-up sessions to monitor progress. They also implemented a streamlined system for managing sales personnel and developed a standardized sales handbook, integrating strategies for marketing and sales organization development.

✧ The outcome was a remarkable 10% growth in sales within the first year of implementing LiB’s transformation plan. Additionally, the company successfully defended its market share against competitors. The well-structured sales system, coupled with improved training for sales personnel, has contributed to sustained improvement in sales performance.