
09:30 ~ 18:00

Heir Wins Over Skeptics


An MBA graduate and second-generation president of a family business faced resistance to proposed organizational changes.
Particularly, a senior sales manager who had been with the company since its early stages objected to the proposed sales strategy based on its theoretical nature and lack of practical application.
Main Results: Successful execution of proposed sales strategy and validation by a pilot team before nationwide adaptation.


LiB Consulting supported the new president with the appropriate approach to ease resistance by applying change management techniques, in which the main idea was to identify relevant stakeholders and involve them in the project.

We identified the gap between the current process (as-is) and the target (to-be) in the president’s expectations. Leveraging our expertise in sales and marketing paradigms, LiB benchmarked best practices from other companies in relevant industries.

Finally, the company developed a best practice that was recognized and validated by change agents. LiB oversaw the implementation of the new practices in the pilot stage, evaluated PDCAs (Plan-Do-Check-Act), provided solid advice on how to achieve the set goals, and finalized the sales approach in preparation for nationwide implementation.

The positive results changed how the president and pilot teams were perceived. The senior sales manager also recognized the benefits and agreed to the changes. Additionally, LiB organized workshops to ensure that all employees understood and acknowledged the company’s goals. The president gained acceptance and support from internal stakeholders. The new initiatives were no longer solely a top-down decision but were advocated by all employees. With the adaptation of the new sales approach in every branch, PDCAs are continually evaluated with less intervention from upper management and the president.