
09:30 ~ 18:00

Agriculture and Food


Agribusiness is the sector with the most potential to drive Thailand’s economic growth in the 2020s.

The agribusiness (agriculture and food) industry is the oldest in Thailand, employing about 30% of the country’s labor force.

However, this sector’s economic growth is slow, as evidenced by the constantly declining GDP contribution (only 8–10% of the total GDP).

The following are the key issues that this industry is facing:

  • Low productivity of production
  • Rising labor costs
  • Price fluctuation among low-added-value products (raw crops or primarily processed food)

To drive Thailand’s sustainable growth, there is a need to enhance the country’s strengths in the agriculture and food industries, with the following solutions:

  •  Penetrate more technologies (e.g. smart farming)  to increase production productivity.
  • Add value to products, i.e., differentiate products or create a better customer journey.
  • Enter high-value markets (i.e., collagen, drug ingredients) by innovating and collaborating with other domestic and international players.

LiB Consulting, with the company’s international expertise could provide support from strategy to implementation, i.e., the best practices operation improvement, new business formation based on multi-industry and international benchmarks.

How to Grow Sustainably

Lean by cost controlling’ program

“Lean by cost controlling”

To keep a business in a stagnated economy and maintain its growth, it is essential to keep costs under control to maintain profitability and competitiveness in a rapidly changing environment.

LiB Consulting has the expertise to diagnose cost structure and plan and implement cost reductions without negatively impacting revenue. We can cut off unnecessary indirect costs, design a lean manufacturing workflow, and optimize labor costs to increase profitability and create sustainable growth.

Market expansion through a sales and marketing strategy

To create revenue growth in intense competition in the market, sales and marketing operations need an up-to-date strategy to challenge changing customer behaviors and competitors’ movements.

LiB Consulting has expertise in both B2B and B2C sales and marketing strategies, as proven by several track records (click to see track records). We are not only providing strategy and action plans but are also using our expertise in ‘change management’ to ensure its implementation and results.

Creation of next growth by the new S-curve strategy

The threat of an aging society and slow population growth could limit business growth. In addition, the entrants from domestic and international companies also accelerate the competition in the market.

The new S-curve strategy is critical for players in the mature to declining phase of the market. LiB Consulting, with our expertise in multi-industry and international businesses, could provide the big picture and future scenario of the industry, and apply several international benchmarks, and incorporate concepts from successful cases to get more potential options for a new business.

Case Study

Background/Objectives The company entered the Thai market in 2011, and most of its

Background / Objectives The company is a leading agriculture company in Thailand that has