Supervisor education

 Wholesale / Retail

Sales and Marketing / Training

Background / Objectives

-Desire for growth is fading, possibly due to the complacency of being No.1 in Korea.

-Due to changes in environment from shrinking market, strengthening SV skill became necessary.

-The perspectives of 1R5C (Research, Consultation, Coordination, Control, Counsel, Communication) are mainly strengthened.

-Manager of apparel stores and SV in charge were targeted, education was conducted by job education for SV and direct coaching for store manager and SV.

Result creation process



-Sales of target store is increased by 7 percent


[Human resource training]

-The 1R5C concept and recommended actions are organized, and management tools are created
-Store owners and SV’s problem-solving skills are strengthened through direct coaching



-Store review manual for SV education was created
Establishing the result presentation meeting for the sharing of successful examples

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